Here's a complete list of changes in Swift Publisher 2.0. This is a big upgrade. -TGSwift Publisher Version Changes
What's new in Swift Publisher v.2 since 1.3.1
Version 2.0 features the following enhancements:
20 new designs added (in Boxed edition only).
Master pages option was added, allowing you to create common background for several pages (for page numbering, heading, background picture, etc.).
Page thumbnails panel to preview and manage pages was added.
Tables are supported, place text and various graphics into table cells.
Imposition option became available in print dialog, to arrange brochure pages automatically.
Text to Curve feature lets you transform the document into vector image, this will help to avoid problems with font absence when you send a document to a printshop.
Art Text integration allows to create high quality textual graphics, headings, logos, icons, web banners and buttons.
Hold Editing Modes (Text Box, Box, Line) via double click added.
Shortcuts to navigate through Inspector Tabs added (Cmd + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Hide Inspector Shortcut added (Cmd+0).
Working with Images:
Image cropping directly in the document becomes available.
An option to fill Smart Shapes with pictures and make creative frames for your photos.
Text Editing:
An option to add Linked Text Boxed on the next page is added (Shortcut Cmd+Opt+L). Pages will be added automatically.
An option to set document default font was added to Program Preferences, Design Tab.
An option to set Line-Breaks added (Shift+Return).
Program Printing dialog with new settings added. You have an option to skip it, accessible from Program Preferences.
An option to set Bleeds and Cut Marks added to the Program Printing dialog.
An option to set Bleeds and Cut Marks when Exporting added.
Adjustable export to EPS added.
Text to Curve feature while export to PDF and EPS added.
An option to set the page color added.
New Smart Fields added (Document Title, Document Author).
An option to align on first selected object is added (Inspector Alignment Tab).
Spell Check improved.