Friday, July 14, 2006

Why Microsoft should fear Intel Macs

Posted on itwire: -TG

There has been much talk about the threat that Apple Macintosh computers now pose to Windows PCs - or should we say Windows only PCs. Make no mistake, the talk is well justified, as recent market research shows. However, what hasn't been talked about as much is the very real threat that Macs now pose to the Windows operating system itself.

Stories about Apple's Boot Camp software and vitualization software from US startup Parallels, both of which allows Windows and Mac OSX to coexist on new Mac desktops and notebooks are already sending shivers through the collective spines Windows PC vendors. The new Macs are well priced, well made and now present an attractive alternative to the one dimensional PCs in the marketplace.

iTWire - Why Microsoft should fear Intel Macs:

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