Friday, February 22, 2008

iBand crafting canorous concoctions

iBand crafting canorous concoctions: "

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Quite possibly a first: iBand is a group of innovative musicians taking iPhone music applications to the next level. Using a combination of iAno, PocketGuitar, iPhoneSynth and BeatPhone, they've created a sound (Mike Oldfield meets Mario Bros.?) that is certain to spawn some creative offshoots amongst musically inclined iPhone owners. There are already several video responses to their YouTube presentation.

If nothing else, they get due credit for a great execution of the idea. I'm sure that, with the presence of multiple music synthesis apps for the iPhone, there is a lot of musical innovation taking place. We'd be curious to hear about other mellifluous iPhone adventures. Maybe some of our own readers have already explored the pocket-sized music frontier in ways we haven't considered yet!

Check out the iBand website for a little explanation and, hopefully, more updates as the idea develops.

Thanks Kacy!

(Via The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW).)

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