Changing the order of your Web Gallery albums:
(Via .Mac Blog.)
Interesting news and information about Apple, Macintosh and Macintosh computing.
"Macintosh...It just works."
Yummy FTP 1.7: Now Leopard flavored: "
Filed under: Software, Internet Tools, Leopard
Paypal your way to Apple Store Happiness: "
Filed under: Retail, Tips and tricks, Apple
Got your eye on some free-shipping merchandise at the Apple store but need to pay with Paypal? If you call the customer support number, they'll tell you that Apple won't accept Paypal. You can sigh and walk away, or you can point your browser to the PayPal Plug-in Page and set yourself up a Secure Card virtual credit card number, valid wherever Mastercard is accepted--including the Apple online store.
Tap on the phrase 'Mac user?', tap, Continue, and then tap on Secure Cards. Use the Paypal tools to generate your (unique) MasterCard Secure Card number, which you can use at the Apple Store. You'll need the card number, the expiration date and the CVC2 number for checkout.
Thanks, drudge.
Inc.com: iPhone is "next major computing device": "
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, iPhone
(Via The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW).)
Technorati Tags: Apple, iPhone, Productivity, Software
Mac 101: Drag and drop in the Application Switcher: "
Quick Look Folder and Zip plugins: "
Filed under: OS, Freeware, Leopard
Greg Joswiak on iPhone applications: "
Filed under: iPod Family, Bad Apple, iPhone
Of particular interest (at least to me) is Joswiak's mention of iPhone application development and sales. He talks about his excitement in bringing 'legitimate' developers into the iPhone application space (heh) and promises digital application signatures. Although he spins this as a way to ensure the application on your iPhone is the correct application that the developers intended to ship, it's also pretty obviously a way to ensure that the application on your iPhone has been vetted by Apple. The apps will conform to a development environment that maintains 'security and reliability' while offering 'some really cool things', i.e. no unlocks and a possibly limited subset of the development space.
One thing the article makes clear is that the SDK will not be invitation only. Joswiak says the SDK will bring in grassroots small developers as well as 'legitimate' developers, a move he sees as 'awesome'.
Apple emails Boot Camp users: "
Filed under: Software, Apple, Beta Beat
Quay 1.0: "
Filed under: Software, Apple, Leopard
Zero-day exploit in QuickTime could hit Win iTunes users: "
Filed under: Security
Flickr Uploadr v3 beta is out: "
Filed under: Cool tools, Internet Tools, Open Source
Nisus Writer Pro, Express for Leopard released: "Nisus Software today announced the release of Nisus Writer Pro 1.0.2 and Nisus Writer Express 3.0.1..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Yummy FTP 1.7 offfers Quick Look integration: "Yummy Software today announced the release of Yummy FTP 1.7 for Leopard, an FTP, FTP SSL/TLS, and SFTP client..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Apple announces Ready. Set. Shop. promotion: "Ready"
(Via MacMinute.)
Microsoft offers BFD promotion on Office 2004: "Microsoft is offering a special promotion on Friday, November 23 only..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Fuzzmeasure Pro 3 leverages Leopard for audio measurement: "
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Audio, Software, Leopard, Developer
Delicious Library 2 will track your media and your tools: "
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Software, Cool tools, Developer
Make My Day: Choose-Your-Adventure for iPhone: "
Filed under: Gaming, Software, iPhone
You start off the game by waking up. Soon, the program prompts you whether to answer a phone or to open a door. From there the branch points just get more and more bizarre. It's a delightful game put together by a cadre of college buddies and offers far more entertainment than a free program ought. Your choices range from hilariously unforeseen to seriously amusing. Case in point: the bits about being struck by lightning and the 'dance off' with your mugger.
Download your copy via Installer.app. The iPhone adaptation was put together by Nate True, the same guy who brought you the fabulous 'Tap Tap Revolution' and who engineered the special effects for the project. He was responsible for the 'lightsaber' bit. When you see it, you'll know what I mean. Make My Day is actually the first iPhone app I know of to employ live streaming video.
If you find yourself replaying parts over and over and want to own a copy, you can buy a DVD version from the Make My Day website for $16.
News: Leopard gets UNIX 03 certification: "Mac OS X v10.5 'Leopard' and Leopard Server have been awarded UNIX 03 certification from The Open Group, signifying the platform's conformance to open standards and global interoperability with other UNIX 03-certified systems.
(Via Macworld.)
Multisite for iWeb 2.1 offers Leopard support: "Multisite for iWeb is a Mac OS X utility for users of iWeb..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Oh Verizon, At least you tried.... (PIC): "Will not spoil, Just read on the photo...
(Via diggdot.us.)
OmniFocus public beta released: "
Filed under: Software, Productivity
Seven cool features of Leopard that might get stubborn friends to upgrade: "
Filed under: Analysis / Opinion
Continue reading Seven cool features of Leopard that might get stubborn friends to upgrade
News: Analysis: The end of Netinfo: "end"
(Via Macworld.)
Apple considering raise for Jobs?: "
After years of drawing just a dollar in salary, Apple CEO Steve Jobs could be in store for a raise.
Apple filed its annual report for its 2007 fiscal year Thursday afternoon, and hinted in a section about executive compensation that Jobs could be in for some real money fairly ...
(Via One More Thing.)
Adobe posts Photoshop Lightroom 1.3 Update: "Adobe today released Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.3 Update today their Web site..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Photoshop 10.0.1 Update for Photoshop CS3 posted: "Adobe has released Photoshop 10.0.1 Update, which addresses a number of issues discovered after Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop CS3 Extended (10.0) software were released..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Technorati Tags: Macintosh, Photography, Software
News: Carmack says Apple 'not supportive' of iPhone games: "Id Software co-founder John Carmack said that Apple isn't supportive of the iPhone as a game development platform, and confesses to arguing with Steve Jobs about it.
(Via Macworld.)
News: Judge dismisses Apple backdating lawsuit: "A lawsuit related to the stock option backdating scandal filed against Apple by the New York City Employess' Retirement System was dismissed earlier this week.
(Via Macworld.)
News: PowerBoost enables iChat effects on slower Macs: "PowerBoost, Ecamm Network's iChat AV plug-in, now lets Leopard iChat AV users use Photo Booth effects on non-supported hardware.
(Via Macworld.)
News: New plug-in brings Flickr integration to iPhoto: "brings"
(Via Macworld.)
Apple ships the first Leopard update: "
Updated throughout at 12:33 p.m. with additional details and analysis.
The first update to Mac OS X Leopard has arrived, with fixes for bugs in Time Machine and Finder, among other things.
Version 10.5.1 is now available through Software Update or on Apple's Web site. ...
(Via One More Thing.)
Apple posts Mac OS X 10.5.1, iMac Graphics Firmware Update 1.0: "Apple today posted important updates for Mac OS X Leopard, and Mac OS X Server both version 10.5.1..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Chax returns to Leopard, brings back Growl: "
Filed under: Software, Freeware, Internet Tools
BBC introduces iPhone-optimized Podcast Page: "
Filed under: iPod Family, Podcasts, iPhone
The iPhone mobile music store doesn't serve up podcasts, so where are you gonna go for a fresh hot bowl of Auntie Beeb? Why, to the BBC itself, silly. The BBC's radio labs blog just announced a new iPhone-savvy webpage that offers simple phone and iPod touch browsing.
If you're on a touch or iPhone, you can just go to bbc.co.uk/podcasts and save yourself some extra typing. The site recognizes when you're visiting from an iPhone and they plan to expand this service to other hand-held devices.
Thanks, Chris
Webjimbo 2 delivers full Leopard support: "Leopard"
(Via MacMinute.)
Office 2008 for Mac Sneak Peek #5 available: "The Macintosh Business Unit at Microsoft (Mac BU) has offered up its Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Sneak Peak #5 on its Web site..."
(Via MacMinute.)
AMD delivers HDTV experience for Mac: "AMD today announced the new ATI TV Wonder 650 Combo USB for Mac a new HDTV experience for Mac users..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Matias unveils Folding Keyboard for laptop users: "Matias today unveiled its Matias Folding Keyboard, a full-size USB keyboard that folds down to half size for travel..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Contour Design debuts iPod classic cases: "Contour Design debuts iPod classic casesContour Design today announced the release of their new cases for the iPod classic the iSee Classic Combo 80/160 and Showcase Classic..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Technorati Tags: Accessories, iPod
Apple updates Tiger with Safari 3, security fixes: "
Apple is taking Tiger to 11.
The company released a major update to Mac OS X 10.4 on Wednesday that delivers several improvements, fixes some bugs, and patches several security holes identified in recent months. Mac OS X 10.4.11 is immediately available through Software Update, or it ...
(Via One More Thing.)
Apple releases a slew of new software updates: "Apple today has released a large number of software updates updates today..."
(Via MacMinute.)
Apple releases Final Cut Express 4: "Apple today released Final Cut Express 4, a significant upgrade to its powerful video editing software based on Apple’s award-winning Final Cut Pro 6, with a new low price of $199. Final Cut Express 4 adds support for the latest AVCHD cameras, allows mixing of standard and high definition content on a single timeline, includes the ability to import iMovie ‘08 projects, and gives users access to hundreds of sophisticated FxPlug cinematic effects and filters. ‘Almost a million digital filmmakers have made Final Cut their editing application of choice,’ said Rob Schoeben, Apple’s vice president of Applications Product Marketing. ‘With the introduction of Final Cut Express 4, Apple makes it easy for anyone to join the rapidly growing community of Final Cut editors worldwide.’"
(Via Apple Hot News.)
Britons snap up 'tens of thousands' of iPhones: "
Filed under: Other Events, iPhone
As I have mentioned before, I usually listen to audio books while I run. It’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone. The problem is that I have had difficulty finding headphones that don’t slip out of my ears when I begin to sweat.
I’ve tried nearly everything. Neither the standard-issue headphones that come with the iPod nor a pair of high-end Shure headphones worked. In the end, gravity prevailed and the headphones fell out. This got to be quite a nuisance.
Finally, someone recommended to me a set of Sennheiser sport headphones. They retail for $49.95, but I found them on Amazon for $31.28. As you can see from the photo above, they hang over your ears, thus making it impossible for them to fall out.
Initially, they bothered my ears. The pressure was a little much. But, after a while I stopped noticing. Now I love them and use them every time I run.
Technorati Tags:
running, jogging, headphones
Objective Decision releases Contactizer 3.5: "Objective Decision today announced the official release of Contactizer 3.5, the latest version of its collaborative personal information manager..."
>>(Via MacMinute.)
>>>Technorati Tags: >Macintosh, Productivity, Software>
>iPhone update 1.1.2 is available in iTunes (US): "
Filed under: Software Update, iPhone
TUAW Tip: Auto-quit Printers in Leopard: "
Filed under: Peripherals, TUAW Tips, Leopard
Filed under: Software, Odds and ends, Software Update
Adium adds videochat via MeBeam: "
Filed under: Multimedia, Software, Internet Tools
News: iPhone 1.1.2 update out in the wild: "Apple has posted an update to the iPhone that enables International support and patches a TIFF exploit used to 'jailbreak' the phone for third-party apps.
(Via Macworld.)
News: Griffin offers new iPod accessories: "iPod"
(Via Macworld.)
Technorati Tags: Accessories, Hardware, iPod
Latest iPhone update jailbroken before it hits the ground: "
As expected, Apple released the OS X 1.1.2 update for the iPhone overnight to coincide with its debut in the U.K. and Germany. As not expected, it's been sprung from jail already.
Erica Sadun at The Unofficial Apple Weblog obtained jailbreaking code for the 1.1....
(Via One More Thing.)