Wednesday, November 22, 2006

High Flying iPods

Apple cues up iPods on a planeApple Computer is in negotiations with six airlines to provide in-flight integration for the iPod.On Tuesday, Apple announced a partnership with carriers Air France, Continental, Delta, Emirates, KLM and United. Beginning in mid-2007, the six airlines will offer iPod connectivity so that travelers can charge their iPods in transit. Additionally, the planes' seat-back displays will be configured so that video content stored on the media players can be viewed on them.Apple has also said that it will be collaborating with Panasonic Avionics to bring similar functions to more airlines.While this is the first time that Mac maker has pushed for iPod connectivity in airplanes, accommodating the devices in cars is nothing new. In August, Apple announced deals with Ford, General Motors and Mazda to make many of the auto manufacturers' 2007 models iPod-compatible.It is not yet clear whether the in-flight integration will be compatible with older, pre-video iPod models.

-HT to Bill Harrison

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